When you are seeking insurance for a newborn baby because they are having difficulty now that they were delivered, the last thing you want is more headaches. You want action instead of paperwork. You want to go forth with the necessary fixes instead of hearing denials from your insurance company. Most of them say that “pre-existing” conditions cannot be covered. You may wonder how it can be pre-existing if they are two minutes old, but it is written in the small print. Did you know you can avoid pre-existing condition insurance denials with pregnancy insurance Singapore?
A Pre-Existing Condition
A condition that happens as a result of pregnancy is often not covered by most insurance policies. Therefore, if you have a baby who was born with developmental issues, your insurance company can deny you coverage for them. It is not fair that you have to pay the price for something that you have no control over, but it happens quite often. It happens because most policies do not kick in until after delivery. Pregnancy insurance or maternity insurance is there when you are pregnant, so that all issues are covered, even if your little one still has a home in your womb.
Coverage During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, anything can happen. These complications may harm you or your unborn baby. It could require you to stay in the hospital while you are being treated. Maternity insurance will help you pay for those hospital stays and the treatments that may be required to help you and your baby. You will be covered from the first trimester through delivery, and there are several pregnancy related conditions that are covered.
After Delivery Insurance
After delivery, it is a hope that your baby will be born healthy and with all their cute little fingers and toes. Unfortunately, there are many parents who do not get to enjoy this moment. Infants can be born with problems that are unforeseen. All these issues can be covered if that is the case. If your baby has to stay in the hospital because they were born prematurely or because they require surgery, they are covered. By avoiding the pre-existing denials from other insurance companies, you will be able to focus on your baby and showing them all the love that you have for them and encouraging them to fight for their life.